Passive defense maneuver was held at Farvard Qeshm Chemical Company

مانور پدافند غیرعامل در شرکت شیمیایی فرآوردقشم

The passive defense maneuver was held with the presence of a team consisting of the passive defense evaluation committee of the Petrochemical Industries Investment Company (PIIC) and the cooperation of the HSE of the Special Petrochemical Economic Zone Organization.

According to the public relations report of Farvard Qeshm Chemical Company, on the occasion of celebrating the week of passive defense, this exercise was held in order to maintain and increase the strength of the personnel of the safety and fire department as well as coordination with other units, especially the operation and protection in the face of possible incidents. The factory accident scene command team was formed and while controlling the accident by the firefighting and operation team, the company’s security also controlled the traffic at the accident site.

In the second stage of this program, a team of firefighters from the Special Petrochemical Region Organization was called to the factory to cooperate, and this team played a role in full coordination with the company’s operational forces.

After the end of this exercise, which was carried out to control the fire of the stored waste of this company, a meeting was held with the presence of the officials and operating teams, and the things that could be improved and the strengths of the exercise were discussed in order to implement future exercises and deployment. The better the emergency situation management is used in the company.