New appointments in Faravard Qeshm Chemical Company

انتصابات جدید در شرکت شیمیایی فرآورد قشم

By the decree of Hamed Masineh Asl, the head of Faravard Qeshm Chemical Company, the appointment of the head of factory management, consultant and head of business management, head of production and head of research and development in Faravard Qeshm Chemical Company was completed before the new year.

According to the public relations report of Faravard Qeshm Chemical Company, on Sunday March 27 of this year, by order of Hamed Mesineh Asl, Behrouz Ansari as the head of factory management, Seyed Mehdi Naimi as a consultant and head of business management, Nuroleh Kanawatian as the head of production and Sadegh Darvishi to They were introduced and appointed as the head of research and development.

The supervisor of Faravard Qeshm Chemical Company has mentioned in the text of these rulings; It is hoped that you will be successful and proud in carrying out the assigned tasks with the help of the Almighty God and using the guidelines and policies communicated and following the organizational charter.