پیام سرپرست شرکت شیمیایی فرآورد قشم به مناسبت روز خبرنگار

Message from the head of Farvard Qeshm Chemical Company on the occasion of Industry and Mining Day

In the name of Allah, the Merciful

What has manifested itself in the industry today and has become a basic principle is the dignity and honor of Iran, which has not allowed the economic wheel of this country to slow down even for a moment even in the most difficult conditions of sanctions.
An industry that guarantees the national authority in the economic world and does not allow the various and numerous pressures and attacks of the enemies of the economy of this land to create a disruption in the country’s income generation because the industry of the brave men of this Pahlavan-rich region with the power to protect the industries And the mines of the Islamic homeland of Iran are standing.
I, for my part, would like to congratulate all colleagues across the country as well as the noble personnel of Farvard Qeshm Chemical Company on the great day of industry and mining.

Hamed Masina Asl
Supervisor of Farad Qeshm Chemical Company

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